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« Just another word on this subject. We find that some have concluded that because anarchy destroyed the Jewish nation in the one year following their “harvest,” therefore we should expect that the one year, from October 1914 to October 1915, following the Gospel age “harvest,” would measure the period of universal anarchy coming. We cannot agree to this conclusion, because the type or parallel goes no further than the end of the forty years’ “harvest” in both cases—October 69, where the year A. D. 70 began, and October 1914, where the year 1915 A. D. will begin (Jewish reckoning). The anarchy period lies entirely outside of any dates or reckonings furnished us. It may be one year or more. The “elect” are not to be in it, and as for their interest in friends who may experience its sorrows we now know our Father’s character and plan so well that we dare trust our friends as well as ourselves to his loving care, assured that God’s provisions will be the wisest and best. » — Magazine : Zion’s watch tower and herald of Christ’s presence, Fear not, o zion !, August 1904, pages 231-229/232-233 [3405-3406] § 6.
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