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« For twenty-three years past we have been calling attention to Isaiah 40:1, 2,—showing that it became applicable in April, 1878, and that within forty years (before 1915) the prophecied divine favor beginning by regathering Israel from all lands “into their own land,” would be an accomplished fact. “Adventists” ridiculed, declaring that much sooner than that this earth would be in cinders ; “orthodoxy’ sneered that Israel’s regathering and the Millennium were thousands of years off and that first the gentiles must all be converted ; Jews themselves were of two opinions—one class declaring that they and the leaders of Jewish thought and the rising generation had abandoned all hope of a Palestine home and ignored the prophecies relating to the regathering, or else applied them to the United States—the “new Promised Land ;” the other class expressing hope and faith in the prophecies, declared that according to Jewish chronology (not the Bible chronology which we follow) over three hundred and fifty years yet remained before the completion of six thousand years from Adam and that nothing could be hoped for sooner. » — Magazine : Zion’s watch tower and herald of Christ’s presence, The second zionist congress, October 1898, pages 284-285 [2361] § 3.
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