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« “Are ye able to drink of my cup ?”—Matthew 20:20-23. [...] Who knows what this year may bring forth ! Who knows but that there may be some special trial, cup of suffering or ignominy, for the loyal followers of the Lamb during 1915 ! It seems well that we should have this text especially before our minds, “Are ye able to drink of my cup ?” Let us answer as did the two disciples on that occasion, “We are able.” This was not a boast on their part. It was merely a declaration of their full decision that, whatever circumstances or conditions might arise, they had no thought of any other course than that of obedience to the Lord and of following in his footsteps. » — Magazine : The watch tower and herald of Christ’s presence, 1915—Our year text—1915, January 1 1915, pages 11-12 [5607] § 1.
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