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« So far as we have been able to see up to the present time, the failure of a full development of matters in 1915, or before, would imply that all the chronological arrangements, as we have them, are wrong—our view of the harvest and all. And we have no reason to believe that these are wrong. We remember that we are not infallible, and that our judgment is not infallible ; but the wonderful inventions of today, and the light that is dawning in every direction, as well as the universal unrest, seem in corroboration of the chronology—that we are in the dawning of the new age. But just how far along we are we do not positively know. We are waiting for the Sun of Righteousness to appear. » — Magazine : The watch tower and herald of Christ’s presence, Our deliverance draweth nigh, January 1 1914, pages 5-6 [5375] § 1.
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