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« And now (A. D. 1915) the world has sickened of its own futile efforts to institute and maintain satisfactory and peace and prosperity-giving government. The time has come for God’s kingdom to begin to reconstruct society upon the principles of righteousness and love. The spiritual kingdom (Christ and the church) present in the world, and having all power (but invisible to humanity), begins its work by resurrecting the faithful overcomers of the past (mentioned in Heb. 11). They come forth perfect men, because they passed their trial in this life, and that satisfactorily in God’s sight (Heb. 11:39), and men, because they belonged to the human family for which God has provided restitution—to that nature whose perfections were lost by the fall. “These all” are but few ; and their appearance amongst the regathering Jews in Palestine is not wholly a surprise, since all are looking for some favor of God to Israel. Their appearance, no less than their superior talents and wisdom, contrast strongly with those of imperfect men around them, and bring them at once the reverence and obedience of Israelites. Taught to believe in the resurrection, the people are ready to surmise who they are, even without their giving any explanation. Soon they are the recognized rulers of Palestine. » — Magazine : Zion’s watch tower and herald of Christ’s presence, Resurrection without commotion, May 1893, pages 151-146 [1529] § 1.
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