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« Full particulars of this important meeting will be found on our Christian Work page. This is one of the strongest centers of our Alliance work, and under the efficient care of Mr. Whiteside and his fellow workers it has steadily advanced in power and influence. While the death of our beloved brother, Mr. Conley, might naturally have seemed a heavy blow to this work with which he had been so intimately associated and which he so generously sustained, yet our beloved friends have not suffered this sad trial in any way to lessen their confidence in God or to weaken the work which is his most enduring monument, but with their trust in the Almighty Arm and in a spirit of unity and faithfulness they have pressed on, and the work today is in a better condition than at any previous period. To God be all the praise ! » — Magazine : The christian and missionary alliance, Convention in Pittsburg., February 1 1899, page 81 § 2.
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