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« We had made an early start in order to go on immediately for the opening at Tyrone on Monday evening, and we felt much inclined at first to be disappointed. But remembering His appointment, that all things should work together for His people’s good, we quietly accepted the interruption and went home with Mr. Conley to his house in Alleghany, where we spent the day waiting for further information about the trains, and enjoying much pleasant fellowship with our dear brethren, who told us of the important rneeting which Pastor Stockmayer and his friends had recently held in their home, and also of the condition of the work in Pittsburg, which, we were sorry to hear, was much broken up by the recent changes which have occurred in the direction of the work there. » — Magazine : The christian alliance and foreign missionary weekly, The pennsylvania conventions., June 8 1894, page 1 § 2.
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