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« REACHED here on the eve of the tenth, and spent the evening at the mission conducted by our beloved brother Whiteside. This is one of the departments of the work under Rev. Mr. Morrow, Miss Morehead, and Mr. and Mrs. Conley. It is well situated as regards locality, on the first floor off of the street, well lighted, cheerful and attractive. The good-sized hall was filled with men save the ladies who were there as workers. The singing was full of life, and seemed to have the desired effect on the audience. We Iearned that Mrs. Conley is most faithful in her nightly attendance and conducting of the music. The students from Bethany Bible School are also active in the work. The manner of conducting the mission in the way of music, testimonies and after-meetings, is the best we have seen. A spirit of real, glad Christian life and good sense in testifying characterized the work. » — Magazine : The christian alliance and missionary weekly, February 6 1891, page 90 § 1.
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