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« A very delightful meeting was held in the Gospel Tabernacle, on the evening of Tuesday, February 11th, to bid farewell to Miss Lucie Dunn, a former student of the N Y. Missionary Training College, who was to sail the following day to begin mission work in Palestine. She gave a simple and interesting sketch of her call to this work, and was followed by Mr. W. H. Conley of Alleghany, who told how the Lord had laid her on his heart and led him at various times to provide for her needs, as well as, at this time to send her to her field, as he has so nobly done, and make ample provision for her future needs. On the following day Miss Dunn sailed for Syria, with a large party of Americans, and by Easter will be amid the scenes of the Resurrection. She was one of the best and brightest of our students and we command her to the richest blessing, as the pioneer of this work in the Land of the Bible. » — Magazine : The christian alliance and missionary weekly, February 28 1890, page 1 § 4.
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