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« It has for several years been the custom of many of us here in Pittsburgh to do this ; i. e., remember the Passover, and eat the emblems of our Lord’s body and blood, and it has ever been an occasion of solemn pleasure and communion, and was particularly so this year. We met on the night of March 24th, as usual, at the house of Brother and Sister Conley (it being the most commodious) ; and ate together the unleavened bread—eating, meantime “the truthˮ which it symbolized, viz: That Jesus was unleawened (without sin), holy, harmless, undefiled, and therefore food “of which, if a man eat, he shall never die.ˮ » — Magazine : Zion’s watch tower and herald of Christ’s presence, CHRIST OUR PASSOVER, April 1880, page 8 [94] § 3.
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