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« We are not meaning to say that the banks of the country are not sound, reliable. Quite to the contrary: they are very rich—if their wealth be measured by the securities they hold. It is our expectation that the present stress will ere long be much relieved, but we do not expect to see as great prosperity as the past few years have witnessed ; rather that there will be a down grade, with repeated hitchings or spasms of trouble, in harmony with the Apostle’s illustration that this trouble is coming upon the world “as travail upon a woman with child.” The final spasm, which we look for in 1915, will give birth to the new dispensation of peace and blessing, the Millennial reign of Messiah in which we hope to share, for the blessing and uplifting of the world. » — Magazine : Zion’s watch tower and herald of Christ’s presence, Travailing in birth of new era, January 1908, pages 6-7 [4111] § 1.
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