The holy Bible

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Traduction King James revue par Benjamin Blayney, édition de 1769, libre de droits (hors GB).

n°26 / Ezekiel 15 :

1And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
2Son of man, what is the vine tree more than any tree, or than a branch which is among the trees of the forest ?
3Shall wood be taken thereof to do any work ? or will men take a pin of it to hang any vessel thereon ?
4Behold, it is cast into the fire for fuel ; the fire devoureth both the ends of it, and the midst of it is burned. Is it meet for any work ?
5Behold, when it was whole, it was meet for no work : how much less shall it be meet yet for any work, when the fire hath devoured it, and it is burned ?
6Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD ; As the vine tree among the trees of the forest, which I have given to the fire for fuel, so will I give the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
7And I will set my face against them ; they shall go out from one fire, and another fire shall devour them ; and ye shall know that I am the LORD, when I set my face against them.
8And I will make the land desolate, because they have committed a trespass, saith the Lord GOD.